Held alternatively in Korea, Japan and Taiwan, the Asia spine have gathered more than 500 interacting delegates representing throughout Asian countries as well as from other continents.
Over the course of the years we have witnessed many innovative developments in basic science and clinical applications in the field of spine. Recent advances in pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, assessment, prevention and management of spinal disorders will be addressed by world-renowned experts at the meeting. The scientific program will consist of plenary sessions, special lectures, debates and poster presentations.
This sixth asia spine will be an important event not only for sharing our knowledge but also for developing our friendship. With more than 500 participants, the sixth asia spine, in collaboration with the 14th annual meeting of the Taiwan Neurosurgical Spine Society (TNSS) is a unique opportunity to network and strengthen international collaboration and enjoy an interesting and exciting scientific program.
Offering a superb location and multicultural facets, Taipei has become a prime destination for prestigious international events, making 6th Asia spine an event not to be missed.
My colleagues and I look forward to welcoming you to Taipei and to a very successful meeting.

Ming-Chao Huang
President of the 2015 ASIA Spine Conference, and
President of the Taiwan Neurosurgical Spine Society