


Asia Spine 2024 Ultrasound Hands-on Workshop

Workshop: Ultrasound-guided targeting of spine and its application in interventions/endoscopic surgeries

Date: July 5th, 2024

Course objectives

  1. This workshop focuses on practical use, aiming to familiarize participants with the skills of ultrasound-guided targeting of spine for applications in pain interventions, PRP therapy, assisting in endoscopic surgery localization, and reducing physician radiation exposure.
  2. The workshop is designed with one instructor leading a group of four participants, allowing beginners to quickly get started and advanced learners to further refine their techniques through interaction and guidance from the instructor.

Course Director: Chien-Hua Chen M.D. Ph.D. Neurosurgeon   


  ● Participant:NT$18,000/person  (學員,名額 16位)

  ●  TNSS Member:Special Price NT$15,000/person (神經脊椎外科會員優惠價)

  ● Observer:NT$5,000/person (觀察員,名額 8位)